Heather Rozen 

Women's Holistic Wellness Coach

Heather Rozen takes the overwhelm out of healing. She uses her skills of assessment from her years as a physical therapist and movement expert, her communication style that she has develped as a health and wellness educator, and her intuition  to uncover what is blocking you from achieving your full expression of well-being.

A female health advocate, physical therapist, and wellness coach,  Heather is passionate about helping women take back their health. She uses education, empowerment, and practical strategies from the woo-woo to the well-researched to help women create a life of feeling good in mind and body. 

Heather has had her own struggles with health and wellness including anxiety, chronic pain, insomnia, hormone imbalances and other challenges. What she has directed her patients to do, she has done herself. Each strategy and tool that she has learned and used for her own health, she has taught to others. She is now at a point in her life where she has never felt or moved better. 

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There's room for science AND hippies, the practical AND the theoretical. I love to toss them together and create new ways of looking at physical and mental well-being. Sign up for the Tuesday Letters where I share my favorite resources and recommendations.